How to Unplug and Enjoy a Slow Fall

As fall begins, it’s the perfect time to embark on a digital detox. While it might seem like we need to stay constantly connected, especially now with school and work in full swing, I’ve found that this is actually the ideal moment to step back and declutter our digital lives. Of course, this looks different for everyone—we all have varying levels of reliance on technology. Some may find it easier to unplug more often, while others may need to stay connected. But one thing is certain: stepping away from the digital world can actually make you more efficient and focused.

This year, I made some meaningful changes after reflecting on what truly makes me happy. One of the biggest realizations I had was how much I enjoy being away from screens and working with my hands. As a result, I made some shifts in both my personal life and my business. Here’s what I changed:

1. Removing or Decreasing Social Media Usage

Over a year ago, I took a break from social media and deleted Instagram from my phone. I’d done this before, deactivating my account for a few weeks or months, but this time was different. Instead of just a temporary detox, I never returned to my personal Instagram account. The sense of being fully present in the moment was freeing, and I no longer felt the need to share every experience. While I still use my business Instagram for Moonridge—since it’s almost a necessity these days—I post very rarely, and only when I have something meaningful to say. This shift has lowered my stress levels and helped me focus more deeply on my work and personal life.

2. Streamlining Digital Tools

I took a hard look at every app on my phone and deleted what I didn’t really need. Turns out, I need very few. While some apps claim to make our lives easier, many are simply time sinks. The essentials for me are texting, WhatsApp (to stay in touch with friends overseas), maps, email, and Faire (for wholesale customer communications). The rest? Gone. When I’m bored, I prefer spending time with my thoughts. Boredom can actually be a powerful spark for creativity. If we’re never alone with our thoughts, we never get the chance to process what’s happening in our lives, which can lead to stress.

3. Focusing on What Truly Grows My Business

This was a game-changer for me this year. As a small business owner, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you need a massive social media following or a constant stream of content to succeed. But this can be incredibly time-consuming, and there’s no guarantee it will pay off. Social media is saturated, and the chances of your content being widely seen are slim. So, I sat down and identified what actually brings revenue to my business. For me, it’s pop-ups, events, and wholesale. That’s where I focus my energy now. Creating content has become secondary, and I’ll dive deeper into this in a future blog post.

4. Getting Outside and Leaving My Phone Behind

Few things are as calming as a walk in the woods, breathing in the crisp fall air. To really make the most of it, I leave my phone at home. Our phones, and the apps on them, are designed to keep us engaged, but it’s liberating to step away. At home, I sometimes hide my phone in a drawer, and hours pass without me feeling the urge to check it. Out of sight, out of mind.

5. Reading Real Books

This one has been a challenge for me. I love podcasts and audiobooks because I can multitask while listening, but sitting down to read a paperback is an entirely different experience. Last year, I only read two books, but that was two more than the previous year! This year, I’m aiming for ten. I’ve tried to make it a special ritual: a cup of tea, comfy clothes, a candle (I’m partial to Cabin Fever), and a good book. Reading helps reduce stress and stimulates creativity—two things we could all use more of.

Who said that unplugging and embracing slow living was easy? In today’s tech-driven world, it’s not. But let’s not rush the process. Maybe start by unplugging on weekends, spending time outdoors, and leaving your phone behind. These small moments of disconnection will help you discover what works best for you.