Meet the Maker: A Day in My Life as a Candle Creator

Being a candle creator is so much more than just making candles. There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes, just like with any business. When I started Moonridge, I was inspired by the beautiful landscapes of California and wanted to create scents that reflected those moments. Over time, I’ve also drawn inspiration from everyday life. Just wait and see what scents will launch this spring—they’re definitely more personal than nature-inspired!
This creative side of the business is, of course, the fun part—the part where I get to work with my hands and senses. But there’s another side, perhaps a bit less exciting, full of paperwork and the tedious tasks that come with running any business. Writing a blog post about “a day in the life of a candle maker” is tricky because every day looks different. Maybe “a month in the life of a candle creator” would be a better title!
I divide my time across the various aspects of my business. For example, production days, which people often imagine as my entire routine, are just one piece of the puzzle. Add kids into the mix, and some days are more like a whirlwind of jumping between tasks.
Here’s a glimpse of what a day might look like for me:
Starting the Day:
I head to my studio, check my emails, and review my to-do list.
Samples for Retailers:
Today, I’m starting by preparing samples for a retailer. These miniature candles give shop owners a way to experience the scents before placing larger orders.
Packing Orders:
Next, I pack online orders scheduled to ship this week. I drop them off at the post office and UPS later in the day.

Polishing Candle Batches:
After that, it’s time to polish the candle batches I made yesterday. Using a heat gun, I smooth out any uneven tops and clean any wax splatters on the vessels. Then, I add lids and carefully apply labels by hand with the help of my trusty label wizard. Finally, I organize the candles in storage, keeping them at room temperature since extreme heat or cold can damage them.

Quality and Imperfections:
Handmade candles will always have small imperfections—no two are exactly alike. Even a perfectly shipped candle can be affected by temperature during transit. But at the end of the day, they all fulfill their purpose: bringing light and amazing natural scents into your home.
Sourcing Supplies:
I end my workday by sourcing and ordering new supplies. It’s incredible how often I forget to order something! Keeping materials in stock is one of the trickiest parts of the business, but I’m proud to source all my materials from within the U.S.
And that’s a wrap! As I mentioned, no two days look the same, but it’s never boring.