One of my favorite things about lighting a candle is that it helps me slow down and create a new feeling - even a new spirit - in my time and space. 

This amazing power that candles seem to have is something I use to help me follow a particular routine that I am practicing, or as an intentional way to help me focus on mindfulness. 

These are some of my favorite scents for mindfulness at home: 

Cabin Fever, cozy, calming when you just want to be… 

Golden Hour, a reminder of new beginnings and sunsets. Perfect for meditation… 

Sunday Evening, ending the week with a calming routine and a candle. Pairs well with a bath, massage, or a great book…

What’s your favorite routine for slowing down when you want to practice mindfulness?

by Jennifer M





Here at Moonridge Candle Co., we make all of our candles with soy wax - but why not something else, like bees wax? There are a few reasons actually:  

First, soy wax is derived from vegetable soybeans, so it is a renewable resource and also biodegradable. 

Second, soy wax is vegan, meaning it is less disruptive to the other living creatures that share this planet with us. 

Finally, soy wax is slow burning and does really well as a clean scent carrier, making it perfect for the 100% essential oil candles that we make.

For all of these reasons, we decided that using soy wax for our candles would best align with our mission of creating the highest quality and cleanest burning candles on the market.

by Jennifer M





Yes, we know the Winter is not over yet, but one can be hopeful! In California, where we are located, the sun has been shining for the last couple of days, and we have been getting some actual Spring vibes already. So here are the two candles that we enjoy the most in Spring time (and they will at least give you some spring vibes for now.)

Nature Therapy 

This is one of our bestseller, and part of our core collection. The floral scent of lavender in combination with the refreshing woodsy scent of eucalyptus is like bringing nature in to your home. It feels like an awakening after the dark colder months. 

Sunday Evening 

Also a bestseller, our Sunday evening candle has both fruity and floral scents. A dreamy natural blend of rosemary and lemon that will boost your mood and inspire you. 

And remember, our candle scents only contains essential oils, which gives you a clean and natural scent (and no headaches). 

by Jennifer M





Do you know that feeling when you finally leave the city, arrive at your destination in the forest or the country, and take your first deep breath of cool, clean air? 

That is exactly where the inspiration for “Nature Therapy” came from - our family’s weekend trips leaving the city and eventually arriving at our cabin.

Nature is indeed the best therapy when feeling stressed out or anxious and the Nature Therapy candle is our way of bringing that feeling into your home. The calming scent of Lavender together with the rejuvenating scent of Eucalyptus also helps you feel more present and focused.

We think Nature Therapy is the perfect every day candle - we can even recommend lighting near your desk while working as a reminder that nature is always there for you. 

by Jennifer M